Day 6 - Growing First Mates into Skippers

Identify global career paths for succession planning

The goal of our assignment was to enable international executive succession planning in the Group, through definition of career moves requirements towards target positions.

  • Get executive positions in European operations systematically filled in by overseas corporate resources due to scarcity/lack of mobility of appropriate local profiles
  • Risks of lifetime (executive) position holding in a same location
  • Predefine career paths without leaving room for agility & diversity in moves


  • Clarify expectations of executive positions & drive strategic changes (new business vision, company culture... )
  • Break business & functional silo's by promoting a mix of functional and business job holding for target positions  
  • Manage risks of low internal mobility 
  • Promote personal development of local resources through internal moves

MILESTONES - Waypoints
  • Identify key/critical executive positions in the group (e.g. Plant Manager in a specific business/country, Sales MD in a particular region/business segment, European Chief Operating Officer... )
  • Redefine expectations of the positions
  • Identify complexities and competencies specific to those positions
  • By target position, define prerequisites for succession in terms of profiling, competencies, impact/experience on the field and set of previous positions holding
  • Benchmark externally


In the process, we have seized the opportunity of the project to bring added-value on some side business aspects.